What's My Deal?!

Assorted ramblings from a Christian wife, mother and public school teacher.

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Location: Iowa

I am a Christian, I am a wife and mother and am a public middle school teacher of math and gifted education. My Blog, "What's My Deal?" is just day to day ramblings. My other Blog, "All About the Fish" is more like a personal webpage about my Christian experiences.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

So I Jumped the Gun

Okay, Here's My Deal...

When I am wrong, I admit it. Yes, there was snow, just not in the manner predicted. Good enough for an early dismissal from school, anyway. The kids loved it and I got to spend a few extra hours with my son by getting him from the sitter early.

Know what is great? Uncrustables. They are these peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the freezer section that have no crust on them. You thaw them out for 30-60 minutes and then can eat them anytime in the next few hours. My son loves them...and so do I. And my husband.

Know what is not great? Among a plethora (that's a great word...look it up) of other things in the world, the fact that some people think they can bend the truth about others just to stir up trouble and feel powerful. One of my administrators is like that. Then she wonders why people don't trust her anymore when we catch her in these truth bends. Lie just seems like a harsh word, I like truth bend.

Another great thing? When someone (especially a young person) says something that is hysterically funny and they honestly do not know that it was. Case in point, one of my sixth graders today. We were discussing what it meant to be famous, in a good or bad way. They are going to do a reaserch project on 10 famous people of their choice. Then they pick their favorite and create a board game to teach others about their person. As they brainstormed, I was at my desk. I thought I heard her say Son of Sam. Wondering how a sixth grader in 2005 knew who Son of Sam was, I asked, "How do you know who Son of Sam is?" She said she had said Saddam Houssein. Then she asked who Son of Sam was. I said he was a serial killer from the 70's and she asked, "Well, was he worse than Sam?" I just broke out in laughter thinking she had been really quick to think and made a joke. She looked at me and asked what I was laughing at and I told her that she was really clever with her comment and I had to laugh...she wasn't joking. She thought there had been a Sam who was a serial killer and that this guy was actually his son.

I guess that is it for tonight.


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