PooPoo Platter

We had excitement at our home today. First, let me say that a few years ago, a similar incident happened at out old apartment with our first son, only it was his own and again a complete accident--with a little help from a mama who dropped the ball as far as observation goes.
Tonight, our oldest (4) was in potty time when I took off his Pull-Up and put it on the floor. Our youngest (1) came in and while I was looking up at the oldest, the youngest started to gag and spit up some of his supper. My husband thought it was from him playing rough with him too soon after eating. As he picked him up he asked what was on the floor. I looked and siad, oh, it's poop--must have fallen out of the Pull-Up. Well, you guessed it, as my husband looked in the baby's mouth to see if he choked on something, he saw poo residue in his mouth. He brushed his teeth about a million times and wiped his mouth out a lot. Look away for just a second and the quick hands of a baby are all over something they shouldn't have been. My husband jumped on it and said, quite wittily, "Not only did I have to wear my brother's hand-me-down clothes, I had to eat his hand-me-down food...his poop!!"
When the oldest was about the same age he did the same thing. He had been walking down the hallway and I stepped into the other room for like, 20 seconds, and he got really quiet. I looked back and I saw him mashing his mouth around. I saw that there were some little things on the floor that looked like Whoppers...upon closer inspection, I saw they were little poop balls that had fallen out of his diaper.
I felt so, well, honestly, no pun intended, but it is there anyway, crappy, in both cases. My dear friend in Ohio, I think that this incident takes away or at least ties your self-proclaimed title of worst mom after the fingers in the car door situation...
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