Putting It All Together
The end of last week and this weekend were busy. I went home to help out with my parents. Mom went into the hospital and my brother and SIL were up there to help with Dad and do whatever they could for Mom. I went up to help out, too. On Sat my SIL left and then later my brother left, too. Yeah, he was getting sick and needed to vamous so neitehr Mom or Dad were affected...making him feel like poo, what what can you do? If you are sick, you are sick. I came home last night to see my boys, both the little ones and my husband, and get some things done that I need to do before I go back up to my parents' house.
Anyway, the weekend was wild. Dad had a rough time with some confusion and halucinations, we are still not sure if it is justhte natural progression of hte cancer or meds or a combination of both. That and recovering from heer ordeal really sent Mom close to the edge. We ended up contacting Hospice to come down and bring some things and do an assessment of Dad. The nurse who came was really nice and she talked with Dad and then with us for a long time. Mom asked her if she would give her opinion of how long she thought Dad might have left. Of course, she said everyone is different and there are never any guarantees and there are so many factors, but she felt that it cold be a couple of weeks to a month.
It was really difficult for me to try and figure out what to do...should I stay longer and help my mom more for a few days and then come home...should I come home and hug my three guys for support and energy and love and take care of things I needed to so I could ease my mind and come back to my parents later this week? My mom said that I should do what I needed to do for me and when I asked my husband he told me the same thing...thanks for the help people--NOT. But, I can't blame them, no one right now can tell anyone what to do or how to feel. We are all putting together everything and trying to process what is going on. Evidently, I came home, because here I am. Anyway, I am trying to tie up some things over the next few days and then will most likely go back at the end of this week into the weekend.
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