Beyond Spun, Twisted and Mixed Up
It may be hard to tell from this graphic, but the penguin pictured is falling apart.
This is how I feel. And I know this is how my parents and brother & SIL and my husband must feel.
Tonight my SIL called to tell me that my mom had called to have my brother come home because she was sick. Well, she is now in the hospital for at least 24 hours. I was already going home this weekend, but may be going earlier, depending on what happens next.
The stress is incredibly unbelievable. Any little thing is setting me off. My poor husband got the brunt of it the other day in the driveway when I had a meltdown over the stupid car seat and again tonight. Just as I had left to go to school to do emergency lesson plans, leaving him here with the boys (again...) his work called needing him. Well, I didn't get home for about an hour and a half after they had called, so as soon as I got home we played pass the kids and he went to work. He came back later, being crabby from havingto go in and being stressed over everything else and I was crabby and we just snipped and picked at each other.
Is this how it is going to be for a while? I mean, things are only going to get worse. I am sure that my brother and SIL are going through the saem stuff...and add on top of it their buying a home and selling theirs, her caring for her mom and other family members.
I feel so bad for how this is affecting (effecting?) everyone. It is not fair and I know that life is not fair, but come on. Seriously? Then I stop and think that there are otehrs who really quite incredibly have it so much worse. How crazy is that? How do they do it? Or do they? I can't imagine their deals.
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