Back then on my back
First day back at school to teach since my surgery. I taught the first two hours of the day, my two math classes, then did paperwork for the next period. My gifted ed classes, which are pull out classes, have been cancelled for the week and my study hall kids are being reassigned temporarily to other teachers (only 3 or 4 go to one teacher). This way, I get back to work and build my stamina, but still get to rest and recover a little more and the district does not have to hire a sub.
Anyway, it was good to be back, and the kids went nuts over my gallstones--kind of a weird, surgical show and tell--but when I got home, ate lunch and replied to a couple of emails, I laid down at about 12:15 and did not wake up until my husband came home at 3:50. I am still pretty tuckered and am headed to bed as soon as I post this.
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