I Can't Imagine

That empty, lifeless outline over there? Yeah, that would be me without my husband. I certainly hope that I have told him enough these past few days how much I appreciate everything he has done over the years, but especially since my surgery the other day. I keep telling him, but I hope that he knows I am sincere.
As if there wasn't enough on his plate, after work he is going to take the boys to the pediatrician...we think the youngest may have the start of pink eye. Hope not because then he'd hveto stay home from the sitter and since I cna't lift anyhting over a few pounds yet, my husband would have to stay home, but there are a bajillion things scheduled for him at work tomorrow and he really can't miss.
I simply cannot imagine what it would be like to do this on my own. People do it, I know. And, I am sure I would suck it up and just do it somehow, go into survivor mode, I guess. But I am ever thankful and appreciative that I do have him in my life. I just hope that I am able to carry my part of the load if he ever needs me to be there for him like he has for me.
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