Spiritual Mutt

My pastor today talked about being a spiritual mutt. He said that he had been baptised one thing, confirmed another, went to a charasmatic college, got married in a full gospel church and had performed in almost every kind of church imaginable.
I can relate to that. I was Catholic, then Catholic Light and then I called myself a recovering Catholic. I spent time reserching the LDS Church so that I could try and win over their missionaries for Christ. I was married by a reformed minister to a Baptist. Each of those experiences, plus others, contributed to who I am today as a spiritual being. I am proud to say that I am a born again Christian...not too right wing conservative, but not really left wing libral...sort of a happy medium.
The graphic I picked to day is a sketch of a monkquin...a hybrid of a pengiun and monkey. That was about the best thing I could find.
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