Always Amazes Me
My almost 4 year old has really gotten into Star Wars. He has watched the original Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope like a hundred times. He knows that Darth Vader is a bad guy and that he doesn't play nice and that he needs a time out.
(*****Spoiler Alert...if you have not seen all of the original three Star Wars, I give out plot information, so do not read any further!!*****)
Well, the other night we were flipping through the channels and we came across Episode VI: Returnof the Jedi, the one with the Ewoks in it and when we see Darth Vaders face. Our son had not seen this movie before at all. We were at the point where Luke Skywalker was fighting the Emporer and losing. Darth Vader stepped in to save Luke, his son, and killed the Emporer by throwing him over the railing. Anyway, just as Vader did that, our son sat up and said, "Look! He's not a bad guy anymore! He's a good guy!"
I was amazed at how he picked up on that just from seeing it the first time. He just seems to have this intuition about stuff. I sure hope he keeps it as he gets older.
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