Lost and Found

Okay, Here's My Deal...
First, let me give the link to this series of cartoons called the Lost Penguin Tribe. It's great:
It is where I got this graphic. In case you can't read it, it says,
It is where I got this graphic. In case you can't read it, it says,
"Will you now just admit it. We're lost!"
Anyway, on to my deal. I got an e-mail today from a long lost friend. I knew that things had been difficult for her for quite a while, but also knew her personality is such that she just needs time and space to work things out. And, I also knew that in the hard times, I knew I would find her and she would be there...and such was the case. Friendships like the one I share with her are just amazing. Literally years can go by and there be no communication or one-sided communication and then, when it really counts, BAM, it is just like it was. If you have no idea whatI am talking about, then you don't have a friend like this. If you understand completely, then you have one or two like this as well. Aren't we fortunate?
I liken it to our relationsip with God. I feel that way many times that I am the only one communicating in my relationship with Him...that He is absent from me.
But, all too often, it is He that is desperately trying to talk to me and I am not listening or off doing my own thing. But, He, just like me in this case, accpets me right back with open arms and forgives me for all the time that has past and that I have not been as faithful as I should.
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