Don't Major the Minor

The title is not something I came up with on my own. A mommie on my Christian Mommie board posted something on this and I am going off of that. She was saying how she always let the little things drive her nuts and she never seemed to be able to remember the saying "Don't sweat the small stuff." But somebody told her, "Don't Major the Minor" and she now tells herself this every day.
Sometimes, however, I think that this phrase decribes me sometimes, but not in the way that it was intended. I usually don't let the little things bother me. Often times, the big things don't get me too ruffled, either. Well, typically speaking...there are times when my propencity to depression causes me to explode at the small things, the big things, no things...but normally, when I am on an even keel (on or off medication--seriously) I deal with stuff pretty good.
So, I don't know if it is the medication now (initially for post partum, but continuing because of everything else going on right now) or what...but I actually seem to be Minoring the Major. It is really not like I am in denial about my dad's cancer and his eventual death, but it is almost as if I am just taking that in like it is la de da ho hum just another thing in life. I mean, I am glad that I am not a basket case bawling all of the time or in total unrealistic denial. However, I don't think I am at a happy medium of these extremes, either.
I feel like I am just sort of in a limbo. I guess for each person, theyhave to deal with and let things sink in their own way. My husband doesn't think it has really hit him yet, either, except for the initial anger that he had. So, I guess, I really don't know what my deal is or if I even have a deal. Time will tell, I guess.
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