Just Classic
Tonight we were flipping through the channels and came across the 70's show, Taxi. I loved it. It just so happened that it was the episode with one of my absolute all-time favorite comedy scenes. Reverend Jim, a lovable burnout survivor of the 60's, gets a job at the taxi company, but there is one hitch--he has to get his driver's license.
So, he sits down to take the test and he whispers to his friends who are there to support him, "What does a yellow light mean?"
To which one of the guys replies, "Slow down."
Jim wrinkles his eyebrows, shrugs his shoulders, takes a breath and says, slower,
"Whhhaaaaat doooeees a yeelllllowww light meannnn?"
The guy replies, after rolling his eyes, "Slow down!"
Jim looks at him like he's nuts, and says even slower,
"Wwwwwwhhhhhhhaaaaaaat dooeeessssss a yeeeeellllllllllowwwww light meeeeeaaannnnnn?"
The guy about comes unglued and repeats, "Slow down!!"
And of course, we hear,
"Wwwwwwwwwhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt..." Then it cuts to the next scene where he has gotten his license and everyone is happy.
I about peed my pants when we watched it because I remember it so clearly when I saw it the very first time it aired. Classic stuff.
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