Let's Get Ready to Rumble
I feel like I need to have a twin of myself because there is not enough of me to go around with my boys. I don't know how mothers with more than two kids do it.
I am sitting with my oldest (5) in the living room and he is showing me all the things he can do in his PS2 game. A few minutes into it, the youngest (2) comes in from his room and pulls on my hand--the universal signal that he wants me to come with him. We go to his room, he points to the floor and says, "You." So, I sit and watch a movie with him as he cuddles in my lap. You guessed it, not 10 minutes later, "Mom! Come see this--it is really cool!" So, back to the living room I go. Until I am pulled into the bedroom again by this little but strong hand.
This continues most of the day. Finally, the oldest comes in to the bedroom and says, "Can I hang out in here?" "Of course you can, sweetheart!" We all snuggle up and watch a movie. Soon, I see some pretty heavy eyelids out of the corner of my eye, so I think to myself, "Self, if you can get him to take a nap, you can have some longer alone time with him.
Good idea, until I move the youngest into his bed...he's on to me!! He finds the energy and willpower not to sucomb to sleep...and the oldest goes back into the living room and it starts all over again. How do other mothers do it?!?!?!?!?!?!
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