Is He Still Alive?

Okay, Here's My Deal...
First, let me say that I know there are ways that I can improve as a mother.
So, we were at a local elementary school playground today having fun. A couple of kids rode through on their bikes and all of a sudden CRASH...they boy was down and crying and his sister was back on her bike going toward home. I told her I'd go sit with him until she got back with help. I didn't know what was wrong, but when I got over there, he had just fallen on his knee and scrapped it up pretty good. Surface, no stitches needed or gushing blood or anything. I just sat with him and made samll talk while we waited for someone to come. A little bit later, here came his sister--JUST his sister. She had a bandaid--JUST a bandaid.
He asked her, "Did you tell Mom what happened or did oyu just go in and get a bandaid?"
She said, "I told her, and she said, 'Is he still alive?' and I said, 'Yes,' and she gave me the bandaid."
So, I had my husband get me my son's sippy cup and we rinsed off the scrape and then wiped it off with some napkins from the glovebox and put on the bandaid. We asked if he needed a ride home or if he thought he could ride his bike. He rode home.
Now, I realize it was only a scratch...but how did the mom know that? If someone came to my house and told me my son had fallen off his bike and was bleeding, I would come running just to make sure he was fine. That just irritated my husband and I terribly. I don't get other peoples' deals at all.
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