To Know or Not to Know

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Well, in a couple of days we will be traveling to a local university hospital to have a detailed ultrasound done. It is one offered at about 18 weeks of pregnancy for women 35 and over to screen for visible birth defects and then they offer further diagnostic testing for things like Down's.
We made the decision even before we were pregnant the first time NOT to do the ultrasound or have the testing done because (1) we did not want ot know the sex of the baby and (2) there are too many stories of false positives for things and (3) even if the tests showed something wrong, we would not have aborted anyway, so why bother?
This time, we want to know if we are having a boy or a girl for basically one reason...yard sale or not? Do we need to keep all of the boys clothes that we have from the first time around or do we need to have a big sale and start over?
Now here is the big thing...neither of our mothers (the fathers have not been too vocal on this) are sure if they want to know or not when we find out. I know my brother and his wife want to know. It will be interesting to tell some and not others and then wonder if they will spill the beans by accident.
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