Dave Chappelle Was Right...

Okay, Here's My Deal...
There is a comic that used to have his own TV show on Comedy Central--Dave Chappelle. He is black and my husband loves him. He is funny at times, but not really my cup of tea. However, there is one routine he has that I wholeheartedly agree with. There are some kids or young adults in the show on a sketch all being big and bad and trying to be gangstas. Somehow, he gets them and drops them off in the middle of a true gansta/ghetto neighborhood and they of course act like big scared weenies when confrinted by those who truly do live that lifestyle and are not just thinking they are bad.
We were at Wal-Mart the other night in the "big" city...all of maybe 27,000 citizens--you know, not really the inner city by any means, not like a little Chicago or anyhthing (that was for you, Buckeye Girl...in reference to someone we both know). As we were leaving the store, there were two guys behind us--whiter than white andso skinny a good breeze would blow them over--but, and you know the type, admit it, acting like somehow they live in Detroit or something, talking all ghetto and gansta--pants all down to thier knees and caps on sideways with a cigarette hanging by their ear. Where I grew up they were called whiggers...you know, white boys who think they are black. I don't like that term any more than I like the n-term, and don't even know if it is still used or not...but it gives you a picture.
I would Love to see what would happen to them if they were suddenly transported into the middle of Compton or East St. Louis and tried to act like they were acting in the entrance to Wal-Mart in small town Iowa. They would not last two minutes before sreaming for their mommies. Seriously.
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