The V & D Show Held Over...

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Since Monday night at 8:30, we have been dealing with the V & D show: vomiting and diarrhea. My son has been hit the worse, but my husband had it too. By Wednesday night, when our son had not thrown up for over 24 hours, we thought we were over the hump, but it hit my husband. Thursday, he stayed home from work, but I went back to work and our son went to the sitter. Later that night, it was back with my son and we took him to the pediatrician Friday. Today was a good day until just a few minutes ago when my son threw up just is going to take some time to get over, I guess. My husband is on the mend, and I, so far, knock on wood, have not shown any signs of it at all. Maybe the prenatal vitmin I am taking helps my immune system a little or maybe God is just looking out for me since I don't need it being 5 months pregnant.
The worst part of this whole ordeal for me is listening to my son beg for water the other night. He was not able to even keep water down and we called the ped to see how best to treat him so he would not get dehydrated. One teaspoon of water every half hour until he was able to keep it down. "mama, more wawa, please." "pleeease, more wawa." It just broke my heart.
I hope we turn the tide soon...I can't stand to see my son like this. He's not throwing up all of the time and he is playing, but when he does throw up, it scares him so much and he just sort of panics despite all of the reassuring we do with him. Poor guy.
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