Great Sippy Hunt...

Okay, Here's My Deal...
We went shopping yesterday after I got home from church...everybody else stayed home to rest and not expose kids in nursery to whatever they had. After finally getting his appetite back from being sick (see previous post) my husband wanted to go eat when wewere done. We picked a place where we could still get our son something bland as his tummy is not quite back to normal yet.
We drove the 20 miles home and both my son and I fell asleep. He got up before me and went for a walk with daddy. When they got home, I had woken up and my husband asked me if I knew where the sippy cup we took with us shopping was. I said no. He kept looking and I thought and he asked, "Did we leave it where we ate?" I said we could have because I knew I did not bring it out with me. He was not sure if he did or not. He looked more andI called the place to see if tehy found one. No.
Now, this was "THE" sippy...the one he uses the most and asks for. For now, he had not even noticed it was gone, but we knew ot was a mtter of time. After much seraching, my husband gave up. I offered to drive bakc to get it. He looked at me like, "Yeah, it is sippy cup." However, he kept searching and pacing and tearing hte house apart and went back out to the van...finally, he said to my son, "Want to go bye bye?"
We loaded up to go back to the place and it was like that scene from Parenthood (an 80's movie with Steve Martin & Mary Steenbergen...if you ahve never seen it, I sugest renting it) when they are searching for the retainer--except we didn't search the trash--we looked inside under the tables and in their lost and found...I walked the parking lot and he drove around it with the high beams was 7 and dark--but no sippy.
We decided to go to Wal-Mart to be pre-emptive and went to the sippy cups and told our son that he had been such agood boy during his being sick and enduring all of the diaper changes and all of the throwing up that he deserved a new cup to celebrate. He kept suggesting cups to him and he looked them all over an finally picked one that he really liked. We bought it and some bottled water and I rinsed it out in the bathroom and filled it up and gave it to him right there in the store. It was quite the production.
Gee, what some parents will was not walking 10 miles and sacraficing your life in a snowstorm, God bless that man...but it is love.
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