It is MINE!! Give it to me!!

I am not a happy camper. Well, that is an understatement, based upon my last few posts, huh? Well, tonight I am even more unhappy.
We, like many other people across this nation, are not in the best of financial states. A variety of circmstances has led to this and we are doing whatever we can to try and get ahead. (A shoutout to you know who and his wife who are so generouly helping us out best they can!! It means the world to us.) It is so bad that my husband wondered about trying to get a loan...but with our credit and bankruptcy (do NOT tell my mom, she does not know) a few years ago we are not sure that will go well--cosigners anyone?
So, I thought, I would reach into my 403B and get some money. I called and guess what? Even though the money is MINE that I invested, I CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!
That's right...the IRS changed their rules in August making it difficult to get YOUR money out of YOUR investments. You can apply for hardship under 5 circumstances: burial costs, post-secondary tuition, home foreclosure, home purchase and medical bills. That is provided you can prove that it is a hardship to your family. Then, after giving them all of the paperwork, your investment company will look it over and if it fits the IRS guidelines, they MAY give you some of YOUR money.
Well, it just so happens, there are some medical bills we have been having trouble with and have the paperwork to back it up. So, we are getting things together to send to them...However, when you are at a point where you haven't gotten your presciption filled because you need that $10 to put food (bought at the discount of discount stores) on your table for your kids...waiting for some big company to look through paperwork isn't much help!!!!!!!!!!!
So, this is what I say:
What the #$%^&*?!?!?!
Are you #$%^&*ing kidding me?!?!?!
Isn't that a kick in the #$%^&*ing teeth?!?!?!
Did I say what the #$%^&*?!?!?!
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