Living Dead

I feel like a zombie. I should be tired, I am tired, but can't seem to sleep at the moment. I am finally, I think, getting over my cold. A slightly stuffy nose and residual coughs here and there are about all that is left. Feel like one of the meds I took a bit ago is stuck in my throat. So many things are running through my mind--it is just sort of spinning. So, here I am blogging to hopefully get tired and clear my head of stuff like:
- This week is homecomming that is always truly productive in education. Yes, sarcasm...glad you picked up on that subtleness. Tomorrow is yad sdrawkcab** so my routine will be all goobered up.
- The next day I go see a surgeon to see about a colonoscopy. Yay for me.
- The day after I go to see my mom to support her before and after her colonoscopy. Yay for her. That is, if I am well enough to go. Don't want to get her sick.
- well, those are enough to list for now.
(**backwards day)
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