Reaching the Summit/Starting at Basecamp

The youngest, almost 17 months, has now pretty much mastered climbing. So, the watchful eyes of dad and mom are now even more fixed on him. He is quick. Before I knew it today, he had climbed onto some clothes by our bed and onto my nightstand knocking off the light and the clock as he got himself situated. You name it, he is going to try and climb it. We have entered a whole new stage of toddlerdom.
Meanwhile, the oldest, almost 4 1/2 years, is just now starting to climb a new mountain...preschool. He has made the transition from the sitter to the preschool really well. We get to see many works of craft and art as well as some worksheets he has done. Also, we placed our first bookorder through school as parents. You remember the forms as kids...lots of pictures of the books, you fill out the form on the back and return it to school.
No turning back now.
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