Okay, Here's My Deal...
Well, deals actually. This week in my town, there is a rodeo. It is a BIG deal for our community and there are festivities all week. Saturday is always the parade and I have not missed one in 18 years. Since my husband has been here, he has not missed one, and now the boys have been to one each of their short lives. We made out on candy this year. It helps when current and not so former students are on floats or walking with local community groups during the parade. You know it is the end of the parade when you see horses for blocks and blocks followed by the street sweeper--which doesn't clean the streets so much as it flattens and spread the horse and donkey poo over a wider area in the streets. We had fun. Wore the youngest out--took an almost 4 hour nap when we got home. Oldest could not wait to get home to play Spyro, which is the dragon part of my deal.
My husband has a Playstation and a Playstation 2. And he has a bajillion games. Our 4 year old discovered them this summer. In just a couple of months, he has gotten really pretty good at playing Spyro 2: Ripto's Revenge. It is a bout a dragon named Spyro. And, actually, it is something that I can even play. This afternoon, between him, my husband and myself, we have gotten really far and done things we had not done before. The only problem is that we do not have a memory card so we cannot save our game. So all of the hard work is for nothing. My husband got on eBay today and bought one, so we will have one soon. By then, we will be so good we will just sail through the game. Yeah right.
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