Eggs, Eggs, Who's Got the Eggs?!

I am on Facebook. I just love the Pieces of Flair application. The flair are like the buttons Jennifer Aniston's character wore on her vest in the movie Office Space. Well, I am addicted to it. However, I have found a new Facebook addiction. It is called Hatchlings...I guess it used to be called the World Wide Easter Egg Hunt. Anyway, it explains why I have not updated on here forever. Been hunting eggs. Lots of eggs. Got 1726.
My graphic is an actual image from the game. See, you have a nest of grass and every so often a decorated egg appears. If you click on it, it goes into your basket. If your friends also have nests, you can collect from them or from various Facebook pages. Once you collect an egg, you have three options: (a) incubate it--then it turns into a hatchling like the penguin on here or another cute things (b) feed it to any hatchlings you already have (c) give it to a friend. Sometimes the eggs are "special" or "rare". Some of those are hatchable, some are not.
As I explained the game to my brother (who called me a bum for not updating sooner...I accept that.) he said that I needed help and as I explained more he said it was not helping my case against hospitalization...okay, sure, I also accept that. But, hey, as I said, I am at home, not putting weird chemicals into my body, am not spending money--so I could have worse deals. I know it is strange, I own that.
Better go...there are eggs to be found.
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