Something Better In Mind

I read this somewhere, "God answers our prayers in one of three ways: a.) yes b.) no c.) I have something else in mind."
This weekend, going up to see my mom, I heard on the radio an interview with the lead singer in some Chrsitian band. He was talking about an organization that raises money for research into diabetes. His son has it. The interviewer asked him about how he (the father) deals with the idea that his son may never benfit from the research, depending on how long it takes to find a cure. His answer ties in with the quote above.
He stated that above all, God is to be glorified. If that means that his son be cured, that would be awesome. If that means that numerous others are helped in the future even though his son isn't, then that is awesome, too. He is involved because he felt God calling him to do so and he is obeying God, so whatever outcome happens, God is glorified and that is what matters. Of course, he said it so much better and eloquently than I am paraphrasing him more than 24 hours after I heard him speak.
Many people say that God doesn't answer their prayers, so why bother. It's not necessarily that He isn't answering their prayers, but that He answers prayers in His time and in His way. He may just be answering them in a different manner and timeframe they are expecting or hoping for. This is just one of many ways Satan has of trying to undermine our faith in God and our relationship with Jesus. The more discouraged we get when our prayers seemingly go unanswered, the more we begin to doubt.
I am guilty of this line of thinking and I can feel it eroding away at my prayer life has been virtually nonexistent for months. That needs to change. I have reached out to strong Christian women in my life to pray for me...and I know they are, I can feel it. However, I am not praying along with them. How can they be praying in agreement with me if I am not praying?
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