All Wrapped Up

Another neat thing happened tonight in our home. (See post below for the first.) After both boys were asleep, my husband and me wrapped their Christmas presents. And, as I write this, my husband is putting together one of the gifts for the youngest. He made the comment as I began that he'd still be sitting there in the morning. But he is doing awesome!
Since we are not going to NC this year, and not going to see my mom and brother & SIL until the 27th (if the weather holds out) this will be the first time since we have been together that we are in our home for Christmas morning. That in itself is exciting. It does feel sort of weird not to be in NC since we have been there for 6 if not 7 years in a row. Before kids, we used to alternate Thanksgiving and Christmas between IA and NC. Once we were pregnant with our first, we started going to NC for Christmas because of my long break from school. Since this will be the first Christmas without Dad, we thought we'd stay here. Not to mention that finances are really tight (preaching to the choir here, I am sure...everyone seems to be in that boat filling with water).
Well, that is about it for now. Two updates in one night--that is a rarity!
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