Shopping Mall Jail

We went to the mall today to see if we could see Santa and get the boys' picture taken with him. Before it was over, my husband was afraid I would be taken to Shopping Mall Jail. (Not to be confused with airport jail, right, Gina?! Ha Ha)
We were about an hour early, so we walked around and did some stuff to kill time. About ten minutes before Santa's arrival, we went ot his workshop and got in line. There was a young mother and her daughter and an older lady in line. The older lady said she was keeping a spot in the line for her grandson and she struck up a conversation with our oldest. Not long after we got in line, more people got in line and there was a grandma, mom and two kids that were behind us. Well, as we waited, they sort of kept nudging up closer to the older lady and us. Soon, they were right beside us. My husband made the comment to me, "I hope they aren't planning on skipping in line." The mom 'behind' us looked at him and she knew we were watching them. Santa came, the first girl got in her lap, talked to him, got her picture taken and then the older lady's grandson got in his lap. We moved forward with the boys because we were next. Then, I hear, from the grandmother behind us:
"Look at that, it's frickin' Christmas and people are cutting in line!" I said, calmly (really...), "Actually, we were in line right behind this lady before you got here." "No, you weren't, we've been here the whole time." Then not so calmly, I replied, "Um, no, we were here first." "Whatever, you're there now!!" And that honked me off for some reason and it was on. "How about we just ask the lady then?!" So I leaned forward to try and get the attention of the older lady, "Ma'am? Ma'am?" At that point, the other lady (who had turned away and wouldn't look at me, I think becaus she knew I was right) said, "Nevermind, just go, we'll wait!!!" "Noooo, if you are SO concerned about being first, we'll do the Christian thing and stand back to let you go!!" "No, just forget it!!" By that time, the other boy was done and my husband ushered the boys right in and sat them on Santa's lap. We got their pictures done and we left. I muttered under my breath that I hoped the pictures of her grandkids were blurry and that they had blinked.
The whole thing just irritated me--I mean, for goodness sake, we did NOT cut in line and she knew it. SHe just wanted to make a big deal. Oh, and another thing, while my boys were on Santa's lap, this lady was on her cell phone, talking to someone and I heard, "Well, we are next in line. Where are you? You need to hurry." So not everyone that was with them was even there!!!!! I mean, come on, lady. Get a grip. I don't know why it bothered me so much, but it did. What is with people?
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