Ready to Rumble

As I have stated before, I like my job. The math teaching, gifted education facilitating part of my job anyway. But, I really have issues with one part of my job. Yes, if you are a regular reader (which, honestly, I don't think there are many) you know where I am going with this: study hall. I think any study hall is a waste of a professional teacher's time. Glorified babysitting, really. For some reason this year, they are really getting under my skin. I feel like I am heading into a boxing ring each day and I am the loser...
I once saw our ESE Specialist mopping the floors in the cafeteria. I said, "Good thing you got that master's degree, right!" She smiled and said, "You know what, if they want to pay me $35 an hour to mop floors, I'll do it!". I thought that was a great attitude about doing jobs that we think are beneath us. :-)
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