Shoe Shoe Who's Got the Shoe?

The past few days, my husband and I have spent more time than we care to think about looking for one or both of our youngest's shoes. Tonight, we finally gave up and went to Wal-Mart with him just in his socks because we could only find one shoe. Then when we do find them, or it, we are like, "Didn't we already look there?" Frustrating.
Then, while at Wal-Mart we were looking for a new pair of PJ's for the oldest. He was tired and cranky so it was a bit of an ordeal. Finally, he decided what he wanted and then the search was on for the right size. Uugghh--took a while but we found some, thankfully.
Other things we always seem to be looking for are bottles and sippy cups. It is not like we live in a huge house or anyhting, we just have lots of stuff and most of the time it is not in the right place. Right now we are missing our pizza cutter. That's right, pizza cutter. And not a regualr one, but a big, mack daddy Pampered Chef pizza cutter--not something you'd typically lose very easily. It is probably partying with my husband's gold chain we lost forever ago and my favorite pair of fish earrings.
Well, better sign off for now...I feel the fuzziness in my head that is the telltale sign the pain meds are kicking in and I need to lay down. Maybe I'll find all of our stuff in my dreams.
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