Back After a LONG Time Away

Looks like almost a year has gone by since I last made an entry. All I can say is that my life has been a swirling swirly swirl in that time. Good, bad, fun, boring, happy, sad. You know, the usual stuff life brings to everyone.
One thing I will say is that I became an aunt on April 1 of this fooling!! Love you, Emma and congrats mommy and daddy!!
My boys are both growing and changing and make me so proud! Matthew is almost through with his first year of elementary school--in a pre-k class. He loves it and has done really well. He will be 6 in May. Owen just turned 3 in April and he started an early pre-school program last week in the same building as Matthew. He goes 8-11 M-Th. That cuts our daycare bill almost in half :)
I am coming to a close on my 19th year of teaching. It is almost like I am a first year teacher again. The entire way the talented and gifted program is done has been totally revamped. I think it is a good thing, but change is always a long process.
Brian is still working at the Comfort Inn. Things have shaken up there a bit in the past few weeks and more is to come. It is a hurry up and wait situation now.
We have a dog named Sasha now--a black lab/keshound (?) mix. She is awesome. And there is Bob, the guinea pig. He is pretty good, too. I am longing for anohter cat, we will just have to see how that would work out.
I have been reconnecting with friends from the past through Facebook lately. It has been nice. But, that has also had me longing to find other friends that I have not been able to find on Facebook. Some are high school classmates, some college friends, some are former colleagues. Not that i have any pie-eyed ideas that we will be best buddies forever, but just to see how they turned out, what they are up to and to share what happened with me.
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