Old Dog, New Trick

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I just learned how to add pictures to here. I thought I would give it a try. I thought I would post a penguin picture. This is one that I found that I call the nerd penguin. He's cute. Reminds me of some of my fellow math nerd friends.
That is the only way to keep the gray matter sharp is to keep learning new things...so that is what I do as often as possible. Also, puzzles and brain teasers and the like are helpful as well.
I am jonesing for something SWEET and there isn't any thing too sweet in the house. If I didn't already have my PJ's on I would go out and get something. But I am too lazy to do that tonight. There have been times, though when I have done just that to get something I wanted.
There isn't too much to go on about. I am tired of harping about school and how
- incredibly crappy
- abundantly depressing
- terribly upsetting
- absolutely unbearable
- intolerably sucks-the-life-out-of-you
it is there!!!!!!!! Yeah, that gets old after a while, huh? I won't mention it tonight.
So, I guess before I go, I will ask a question that I first heard from George Carlin that really makes you think..."Why do we drive on Parkways and park on driveways?"
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