Hurry Up and Wait!

Okay, Here's My Deal...
My interview went well.
I was interviewing for 9th grade Algebra I...and also, 7th grade math.
I will know about Algebra by Tuesday or Wednesday. It is one prep with kid who have the ability, but lack confidence or have difficulty.
The 7th grade math could take up to four just opened up and it has to be posted in-house for anyone in the district to decide if they want to tranfer into it--if they don't, then it has to be posted for 10 days publicly. The middle school principal just watned to get a head start on interviews as a just in case deal.
Then ,as if there was not enough to be excited about...during the interview the middle school principal asked me, "So, I understand you have a TAG background." Come to find out, his TAG perosn just told him she wants to get into regular ed elementary again...and there are three jobs she might get in the district, so they need to see how the dominoes fall with that deal.
So, in essence, I am being considered for three different positions on three different time crazy is that?!?!
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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