Let the Countdown begin...
Okay, Here's My Deal...

Today's magic number? 18. That is how many days of school with the students there were left after this day was completed.
I know, to you non-teacher folk, 18 sounds like a relatively small number of days that should fly by quickly.
Oh, but how wrong you are...they will be 18 of the longest, stressful and grueling days. Ask any teacher...the last few weeks of school, no matter how good your students are as a whole, are just absolute CHAOS.
Lets' examine 18 more closely...two full weeks and two weeks of four days, with luckily, two early out days sprinkled in there to break the monotony. Now, if you teach any of the "Big Dog" grades...in my district they are 5th, 8th and 12th grade...you have what is called the -itis syndrome. Senior-itis...8th grade-itis...5th grade-itis. You are the big dogs, the oldest in the school, you have worked hard to get there and now, in 18 days, it's over...if you are going to leave a mark...any mark, now is the time.
And, well, even if you like a kid, by this time of the year, you almost can't stand to look at them anymore. Now, I know that swounds cruel, but teachers, back me up here--it's true.
I ahve had the "opportunity" to have about 22 kids for three straight years now in my math classes. Three years in Iowa schools is 540 days...and we are down to the final 18. I will miss some of them, would honestly not mind teaching them in the high school. Others, well, I am about ready to volunteer to clean out their lockers for them--in order for them to be able to leave the building on that last day as quickly as humanly possible.

Today's magic number? 18. That is how many days of school with the students there were left after this day was completed.
I know, to you non-teacher folk, 18 sounds like a relatively small number of days that should fly by quickly.
Oh, but how wrong you are...they will be 18 of the longest, stressful and grueling days. Ask any teacher...the last few weeks of school, no matter how good your students are as a whole, are just absolute CHAOS.
Lets' examine 18 more closely...two full weeks and two weeks of four days, with luckily, two early out days sprinkled in there to break the monotony. Now, if you teach any of the "Big Dog" grades...in my district they are 5th, 8th and 12th grade...you have what is called the -itis syndrome. Senior-itis...8th grade-itis...5th grade-itis. You are the big dogs, the oldest in the school, you have worked hard to get there and now, in 18 days, it's over...if you are going to leave a mark...any mark, now is the time.
And, well, even if you like a kid, by this time of the year, you almost can't stand to look at them anymore. Now, I know that swounds cruel, but teachers, back me up here--it's true.
I ahve had the "opportunity" to have about 22 kids for three straight years now in my math classes. Three years in Iowa schools is 540 days...and we are down to the final 18. I will miss some of them, would honestly not mind teaching them in the high school. Others, well, I am about ready to volunteer to clean out their lockers for them--in order for them to be able to leave the building on that last day as quickly as humanly possible.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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