What is Their Deal?!?!

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I am sorry, but I have to bust on my mommies board again. It just amazes me the things that people do on these boards. I kid you not, some of them just can not be that educated or they are so book smart that they are not common sense smart.
One lady wrote in for advice because her infant daughter had thick green gunk coming from her eyes...what do you think that could be? do you think it is serious?...not one mention of having already called the doctor or planning on calling the doctor...WHAT?!?!...are you going to wait until her nose falls off, lady?!?!
Another has a girl who is showing very serious signs of rage and violence with no remorse and mom doesn't know what to do...of course most of the moms suggested that there needs to be some sort of counseling to dela with the feelings as well as medical tests to rule out stuff...then the mom replies that she seriously did not think her daughter needed counseling because she is rasing her in a loving home and besides, she was the one whowas seriously depressed, not her duaghter...WHAT?!?!...don't think that has anything to do with it, lady?!?!
One lady had a kid who had not had a bowel movement in two weeks and had tried every remedy she could think of and wanted to know what otehrs had tried...she was going to give it another week and then "might think" about calling the doctor...WHAT?!?!...I can't even think of a sarcastic response to that, lady!!
Now, I am not a run-to-the-doctor-every-time-my-kids-cry kind of mom, but I do know that there are just some times and some symptoms that you call the doctor--not necessarily take them to the office, but at least call to get advice. If you want to screw with your own health, fine, but treat your kids a little better, huh?
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