Masochist in the Making?!?!

Yesterday was doctor day: both boys had their checkups. One was for 3 years and the other for 2 months and they were scheduled for the same time.
They called us back and the first stop was to get the older one weighed and heighted. He would NOT get on the scale to be weighed for anything. He got his feet on, but would not let go of my husband. Luckily, the room scales for the babies go up to 60 pounds so he could get it done there and then they just stretched him out on the exam table to mark on paper his height. Three years old and 40 inches (that is 95th %tile) and 42 pounds (that is off the charts) holy buckets. Here is the kicker though, and why I titled this as I did...the nurse explained to him that she needed to get blood from his finger to check it and that she was going to prick it. I looked at my husband and he at me as if to say, "Oh, crap, this is not going to be good!" But noooooooo...he sat there and watched he do it and then squeeze his finger to get the blood into the tube without so much as a wimper or a squirm!! Wouldn't let them weigh him on a scale, but poke him with a needle and squeeze blood out of him and he is fine, just fine. How weird is that?! He even let the nurse take his blood pressure, first time ever, I think because she told him it was like a big hug for his arm. And, bless his heart, even though he is not potty trained, he tried to pee in a cup for them, but he couldn't.
The little one was fine, too. Two months and 12.25 pounds and 23.25 inches (both at the 50th %tile) He got his first round of shots and that honked him off a little, but as soon as he got dressed and I picked him up again to cuddle, he was fine.
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