
Okay, Here' My Deal...
My 3 year old wanted to watch March of the Penguins...he likes to see the babies. As we watched, there were a few that had died. He doesn't really know death (how nice to be so young and still innocent to life's tragedies) but knows sadness. He said, "Ohhhh. That's sad." A mommy penguin was tapping at her dead chick with her beak and he said, "Try wake him." I said, "It looks like that, hmm?" He said, in a sad little voice, "Yes, poor baby."
He is also starting to develop some empathy, I think. He says stuff like:
"Sumpin'g wrong?" "Feel better." "What happen?" "Oh, I see."
and will pat your arm or give you a hug as he says them. Too bad more people don't keep that sweet, tender spirit after their toddler years.
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