Wrong Question

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I commiserated with a friend of mine yesterday. Both of us have been trying to pray over our families more earnestly and it just seems that since we began this venture, well, things have not gotten better but crappier for our families. We both said we had wondered "What am I doing wrong?" because we are not seeing the outcomes we had desired. To help me answer that question, I called my church today to see if one of my pastors could meet with me to talk. It is a 20 mile drive to my church, so I had timeto think and on the way there, I had an epiphany regarding the situation. It had to do with something my friend said aobut a verse in one of the books of Chronicles where an army was surrounded and they said that as long as their eyes were fixed upon God that they would be victorious.
It then dawned on me that by asking the question, "What am I doing wrong?" I was taking the focus off of God and putting it onto myself and that may be part of the problem...not in the prayers themselves, but in the reflection upon those prayers.
So, perhaps the better question would be, "Am I allowing the full power of God to work in my life through my prayers?" Or, "Am I giving Him enough time to reveal His plan for my life?"
The talk with my pastor was good and reaffirmed to me that I am headed inthe right direction by praying over my family and that in time--God's time, not mine--I wil begin to see the results and feel the guidance that I am so desperately wanting from the Spirit regarding the plan God has for me and my family.
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