
I got a huge slap in the face today as I was reading through my Christian Mommies site. Let me start by saying that I love both of my sons and my husband very much and even though my emotions or hormones or whatever deal I am having at any given moment does not change that even though my reactions may not seem like I do love them. Make sense?
Anyway, in previous posts, I ahve poked fun at some of the more fundamental right wing mommies on that board, but I ahve to say there are some really amazing ladies on there, too, and this has to do directly iwth one of them.
She and her husband have had a couple of miscarriages and also have a daughter who is about 20 months old I think. Anyway, they found out they were pregnant again and were very excited. Early in the pregnancy though, they found out that their son would ahve several very dramitic and serious birth defects and would most likely not make it to full term, let alone survive out of the womb for very long. Despite advice and pushes to abort, they staunchly stood by their beliefs and were going to see this to the end. They beleived that there was value to his life no matter what.
Each visit to the doctors and neonatal specialists brought more sad news and they were amazed that even though there were slim chances to help their son while still in utero most doctors were more willing to perform an abortion than to fight for his little life. Their faith was amazing through the entire ordeal. They finally found a doctor who understood how they felt and he agreed to see them through the rest of the pregnancy and the birth if the Lord was willing to let him survive that long. She kept the fellow mommies updated about her son's condition and we rallied around her with prayers even though most of us only knew her through the board and not in person...and as her due date loomed closer, those efforts were stepped up.
Their son was born full term, but facing many health issues and they knew this from very early and were determined to love him and just knew that his life, even how short it may be, would bring glory to the Kingdom. He put up a strong fight, but as predicted, his life was short. On the thrid day, in his daddy's arms, he died and went ot be in the arms of his Father in heaven. Through all of this, his mother and father have been so strong and their testimony to life had and continues to have impact upon the medical workers and the friends and family that they have.
She was on the board the other day and posted pictures of her son just as any proud mother would have. There is an organization called Now I Lay me Down to Sleep that photographs infants and young children after all ofthe tubes and other medical paraphanillia have been removed so that parents can remeber their children as God intended them to be before He called them home to be with is a healing and closure experience that parents find comforting.
So, how does that lead to the title of this being perspective? It dawned on me today as I read through her testimony and story that despite the fact that I am tired at times and get frustrated at times with not being able to get him to sleep or if nursing is not going well or whatever that I have a young son that is alive and healthy and that I am blessed by his life...I am sure that this woman would give anything to be able to have her son nurse at her breast or keep her up for a few hours...
That is perspective.
I had made a commitment to myself that each time I would nurse my son that I would pray over my family--sometimes as a whole, sometimes just one ofthe boys, somtimes the other, sometimes my husband and even myself--and I did really well for a while and started to fall off lately. Well, thanks to the story of Amber and her son, Noah and the rest of her family, I have renwed this commitment and have gained a little insight and change of heart about being tired and frustrated.
Sorry if this was a little bot more heavy than usual, but I just had to tell this story as it touched my heart.
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