Done & Almost Done...

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I just finished this afternoon with a student that I have been working with on an independent study in high school geometry. We have been working hard for a while and she and I are both glad to be finished. We did not get quite as much done as I would have hoped, but there were some cooperation problems from the math department of the high school she is Ohio friend will not be surprised to hear that, I am sure. However, we made the best of an icky situation and have done our best.
And, I am glad to say that I am almost done with being pregnant. I really have enjoyed it, but am glad to be moving on in a couple of days to the next stage. I think having two children in the house, one newborn and the other almsot 3 will be a challenge, but a blessing, too. How on Earth we will hadnle both of them, I don't know except iwth the grace of God. Everything will unfold according to His plan and we are just along for the ride.
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