Do Da Do Da...

Okay Here's My Deal...
Two more days and then I'm done DO DA DO DA
Two more days and then I'm done OH DA DO DA DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell that I am excited to have only two more days to be done with school until next August? I am just ready to be done...the weather is getting warmer and with a 36 week pregnant human furnace like me that is not good...especially in a non air conditioned building. Besides, it is getting to that point where the kid are getting squirrely and I am losing patience.
All of the things i agonized about are done...sort of. My room is no longer a disaster, but it is not exactly organized. I just sort of put things into piles and stacked them onto bookshelves to be sorted out in the fall. My lesson plans have been done for a long time and my sub has had them for a couple of weeks to peruse and get acquainted with what we are doing. Other department chair type things that needed to be done after I left have been delegated into capable hands and are no longer my problem. The last meeting I have to attend is tomorrow morning and that will be relatively painless.
So, listen carefully over the next 36 hours or so...that DO DA DO DA you hear in the background is me--smiling and humming and anticipating the oh so near day of my c-section and the birth of my second son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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