That Man-O-Mine

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Everyone should have a husband like mine when they are pregnant. And I mean that sincerely.
To begin with, I freely admit and do not deny in any way that he is the neater of the two of us and is way ahead of me when it comes to dishes and even cooking. Laundry was pretty much a tie until we moved to this house and I became pregnant...the laundry is downstairs and he has literally taken it over so that I do not have to go up and down the steps.
Most definately he is the nester when it comes to me being pregnant. You hear of women who suddenly become cleaning and organizing machines when they are pregnant, especially as the due date gets closer. Me? Not so much. Not last time, not this time.
It is all him. Oh, I pitch in now and then, and he is so sweet about making me feel like the few minutes I have spent doing somehting small is a huge help to him, but I know that if it were not for him, we would not be ready in any way for this new baby.
Despite his hard work at work and trying to fit in as much flying as his work schedule, OB appointments and weather permit, and his not feeling well he just is like the energizer bunny---he keeps going and going and going...makes me even more tired watching him.
I tell him not often enough how much I appreciate all that he does and I mean every word. I feel a little guilty about going on maternity leave for these next two weeks and just lounging around the house while he continues to work. I am taking advantage this week of spending some time in the mornings with my almost 3 year old son before taking him to the sitter. Won't be much alone time in the near future...although this usmmer I am going to make an effort to have at elast one day a week where the new baby goes to the sitter and I keep my oldest at home for a mama big boy day.
Well, I guess that is about it for now. Ladies, if you are pregnant, I hope your husband is half the man mine is and men, if you want to score big brownie points, be good to your wives when they are pregnant.
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