Cookie Mania

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I must have a form of nesting...although my husband has been the cleaning and organizing machine, I have made several batches of cookies in the last three weeks--something rare in our house.
I am not a chef, let alone a baker. I am a self-confessed open-the-box/open-the-can and heat-it-up kind of woman. There are few things that I make from scratch, but cookies seem to be the thing lately.
Sugar cookies and chocolate chip ones have been the fare. One is my great-grandmother's recipe and the other is my great-aunt's. The funny family thing is that in one of the recipes she had written down "1 eggs" as an ingredient and to this day whenever I write the recipe or tell people I say, "1 eggs" that is the key. The other does not even list chocolate chips as an must just be a given no brainer that you need them.
I need to maybe make a batch of oatmeal...or snickerdoodle--but theyare much more work than I think I want to tackle now.
Well, off to grab a glass of milk and indulge in my creations and then off to bed.
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