Almost Dead Dog...

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I thought the dog was going to be killed by my husband last night. He, my husband, not the dog, was in here on the computer and I was in the living room playing with stickers with our almost 3 year old son when I sniffed and looked up and saw the dog pooping all over the floor...and not like a diarrhea accident like he couldn't help it but solid. I yelled his name and my husband asked what he was doing and I told him and he came in and grabeed the dog and pulled his face down to it and proceeded to tell him NO NO NO and yes, beat him a little, then drag his dog butt outside and put him on the chain. Then he shampooed the carpet where he'd gone.
Later, the boys went outside to take the trash for today's pick-up and when they came back in my husband told our son to turn around and show me the back of his shirt...I did and there were dirty paw prints. He said the dog had jumped up and knocked into him and that he, the dog, not my son, was lucky he wasn't beaten within an inch of his life and his collar taken off and put into the van and dumped in the country somewhere.
The dog has been on restriction (I was "grounded" as a Yankee child, my Rebel husband was put on "restriction" when in trouble) in the kitchen ever since. Maybe tonight he will be able to join the family again. I tell you, once the baby comes, it will be a big adjustment for all.
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