Bupasses!! Sons-A-B#$%^es

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Yes, the title to this entry is another reference to the movie "A Christmas Story." If you ahve never seen the movie, you won't get it...the family in the movie have neighbors named Bumpass that have a large number of hound dogs that just annoy the crap out of the father in the movie. Towards the end, he yells at them Sons-A-B#$%^es!!"
Anyway, last night was quite the evening with some dogs around our house. Both boys ahd gone to sleep and we were just settling in at about 11 when we heard this big commotion outside. It was like a whole pack of dogs ran through our yard between the neighbors house and ours just attacking something. So, my husband goes out to investigate and when he had not returned in about 10 minutes, I stepped outside to see what was going on.
Here he was...standing with his flashlight and a HUGE stick--nay, branch--from a tree. He shone the light on two beagle type hunting dogs in the street and then another one on another street. He said they were just tearing around the streets and yards. They were baying and bellowing and howling like they had the scent of something. I could not believe that other people were not out seeing what was going on.
I went back in teh house and called the police...telling them I knew this would not be high on their priority list, but just wanted to report it in case they were actually viscious. (the dogs, not the police) My husband came back in when they went away...but in just about and hour they were back and he went down to the basement to get his BB gun to scare them away. I was surprised that niether of the boys were waking up because of the noise. I heard my husband pumping the gun and heard a shot or two and then a yelp of a dog and he came back in sort of laughing saying he could not have done that again if he tried. He had shot and he hit the clothesline pole. Keep in mind this is about midnight. The second shot bounced off the concrete of the driveway. The yelp I heard was from him hitting one of the dogs in the behind with a golf club because he could not get the gun pumped up in time to shoot to scare him.
We heard them off and on throughout the night. I think he went out once or twice more. At 5:15 when the baby woke up to nurse, he went out again because they were in the yard again and when he finally came in, he said all he could think about was the dad in "A Christmas Story" yelling, "Bumpasses!! Sons-A-B#$%^es!!"
Hopefully, whoever tehy belong to realized they had gotten out during the night and found them and they won't be tearing around the nighborhood again tonight.
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