I'm Going Ninja Mom On You!

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Mess with me, okay, but mess with my kids...not happening, I'll go Ninja Mom on you. Took my youngest to the ped today. He's got thrush and an ear infection. So we drove to the pharm to get drugs. The lady comes back to tell us that he had been terminated from our coverage on July 5th. So, we had to call the insurance folks to get the meds or pay full price and get reimbersed.
Call #1: BC/BS Wellmark.
We show him as terminated, but don't know why...
you need to call your employer to find out.
Call #2: My School's Central Office Business Department.
We show you are paying and we did not make changes...
you need to call the secondary insurance to find out.
Call #3: EBS.
You need to talk to Joi...straight to voicemail.
The last voicemail I left her went unreturned and I had to call
her back to get my information. Not taking chances this time.
Call #4: EBS.
Yes, I left a voicemail for Joi and my son needs these meds
today, please make sure she calls me as soon as possible.
Let me try another person for you to see if she can help in case Joi is gone for the day...straight to voiucemail and I got disconnected halfway through. Grrrrrrr.
Call #5: EBS.
Yes, I got disconnected. Okay, if you don't hear back by
3:30 call again, here is that mailbox. I leave a message.
Call #6: EBS.
3:45. Yes, I am calling back. Joi is on the phone,
wait, she's off...back on. Please hold a moment.
She is still on the phone, would you like her voicemail?
I have been there, done that. My son needs medicine and I AM talking to a person TODAY. Just a moment.
Call #7: From EBS on call waiting while I am on hold with EBS.
Joi here. I have talked to Wellmark and the problem was on their end when they did the switch for the new fiscal year. It is fixed now in the system...but it won't show up for the pharmacist until 8 tomorrow morning. Call them and see if they will give you the meds tonight and pay tomorrow. If not, call us back.
Call #8: Pharmacy.
I explain the deal and since they know us and it is a
small town, they agree and we get the meds for him.
There, now that wasn't so hard now was it?!?!?!?!
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