Quote Unquote

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I admit, my new addiction is watching reruns of Scrubs on Comedy Central. And WGN. And Fox. And NBC. We used to watchi t all of the time when it first came on--like we did a lot of TV, but after we had our first son and he began to watch DVDs of his shows, we have not been seeing much. So, for the first few weeks of my new son's life when my oldest son was at the sitter and I had some TV time to myself, I found Scrubs again. Multiple times a day.
Anyway, in the one where Carla and Turk are having their wedding rehersal dinner, he has yet to write his vows and can't think of anything. So her brother, who hates Turk, says he will write them for him. As Turk is reading them, it becomes obvious it is a quote from the movie "When Harry Met Sally" and Carla gets mad, but then later as Turk is talking to JD about Carla he comes up with his vows and all is forgiven.
So, I got to thinking about quotes that I love from movies:
- Bring it on. --The Emperor's New Groove
- If we win we praise Him. If we lose we praise Him. --Facing the Giants
- Who's your puff daddy?! --Shark Tale
- A + B + C + D + E equals the Big F for me on prom night. --Stealing Home
- I don't know beans! --Veggietales: The Lord of the Beans
- Good gracious me, was I raving?!?! --Exorcist III
- Uh, copy that Doug but I believe we've lost in interest in peas, repeat, lost interest in peas. Canned goods out. --Guarding Tess
- I am serious...and don't call me Shirley. --Airplane
- And stay out of the Woolworth's! --Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?
- He's bona fide. --OBWAT? (see the quote above)
- I've spoken my piece and counted to three. --OBWAT
- Well, ain't this place a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere! --OBWAT
- Damn! We're in a tight spot! --OBWAT
- You two are just dumber than a bag of hammers. --OBWAT
- We thought you was a toad! --OBWAT
- Do NOT seek the treasure. --OBWAT
- I'm the paterfamilias! --OBWAT
- Is you is or is you ain't my constituents? --OBWAT
- Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe? --Breakfast Club
- You want to play a card, let's play the "let's not die" card. --Finding Nemo
- It's because I like you I don't want to be with you. --FN
- ... yes, I'm a natural blue... --FN
- You guys made me ink. --FN
- With fronds like these, who needs anemones? --FN
- Look, Scum angel. --FN
- Esc-a-pay! --FN
- Oh, really? Do you in fact have a associates degree from VermTech? --Over the Hedge
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