Da Plane!! Da Plane!!

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Trivia question: Who said that famous line (read the title again) on TV each week?
Trivia answer: Tattoo from Fantsy Island
Why the title? I am thinking about getting a tattoo. My Buckeye friend, close your jaw that probably dropped when you read that!! Seriously, I want ot get one. I think. Maybe.
Anyway, since I am a Jesus fish freak...I love that symbol and what it represents...see the link to my other blog, All About the Fish, to find out why...it would incorporate that. There is a company, Living Epistles, that makes Christian t-shirts and stuff that put out a shirt called East/West that had a Jesus fish and a cross combined. At first glance, it looks like a Chinese character (that is the Eastern influence) but it is made of Western symbols (the cross and fish) Here is a link to a tattoo that some lady got with the exact image from the shirt:
Mine would be a lot smaller...a quarter or a half dollar at the largest. It would have the fish in a deep green and the cross in a deep purple. I would not ahve the background color. I am not sure if I want to clutter it up with the scripture reference of Ps 103:12 or not. That reference by the way is "as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions"
See, the east and the west never meet...so they are infinitely apart from each other. Jesus dies on the cross so wash away the sins of the world and we are forgiven. That is how we are able to enter into heaven and live in eternity with Him. We will still fall from time to time, but we are always forgiven. How comforting to know. This tattoo would remind me of that and would be a witnessing tool...well, it would be if I decided to get it where people could see, but I doubt that I would. I am thinking ankle or hip.
Anyway, don't look for it anytime soon...I am jsut thinking out loud and there is a lot of stuff that needs to settle down in my life before I committ to this.
Okay, so I have read the post three times...my jaw is still on the floor...I told jeremy that I wanted one just two days ago!!! :) We are so alike sometimes that it is scary!!!
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