K9 Non Gratis

Okay, Here's My Deal...
If you frequent my blog, you know about the #$%^ing dog that I talk about. Well, last Sunday morning, I let him out to go potty and now, a week and a day later, we still have not seen him. We, and again, if you frequent my blog, this may surprise you...actually drove around looking for him a couple of times but have not found him. We thnk what may have happened is that someone saw him and lured him away...at least, we hope that is what it is because we don't really wish ill of him and hope that he did not get hurt.
Strange thing is that our oldest son, who is three, has not even mentioned the fact that he is gone and has not asked about him at all, so I guess it is not very traumatic for him. The cat, however, hung around his food bowl for a day or so and then she slipped back into her regualr routine.
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