
Okay, Here's My Deal...
I never told about Halloween. I guess, that is because there is not much to tell. We took the boys, but our oldest (3 1/2) is going through this frightened easily stage. Yards with blow-up Halloween stuff scare him and the displays at Wal-Mart scare him. He was excited about candy, but not about being scared. We asked if he wanted to be a pirate and go get candy and he said yes.
So, we just let him carry a toy sword we already had and took the bag our pediatrician handed out at his last visit and headed to our downtown...they block off the business district and the merchants give out candy. We thought this was less overwhelming than door to door. He did fine until he saw his first scary costume--skeletons--then he wanted to be carried most of the time. His bag did not get very heavy, either, because there were many merchants that were not there giving candy out.
It was an attempt. Next year, I think he will be all into it and have more fun.
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