Football Jesus House

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Our 3 1/2 year old has his own deal of saying the word house to describe places.
- KFC is the Chicken House.
- Subway is the Cheese Sandwich House.
- There is the firetruck house.
- The school house.
- Chicken Fry Fry House is McDonald's.
- The Chip House is Carlos O'Kelly's.
That explains part of my post title. The other part has to do with the toy he got in his last Burger King meal. Right now they are giving away miniature NFL quarterback jerseys that suction cup to windows. When he asked what it was, we told him a footbal jersey. He said, "Football Jesus?" We chuckle when he says it and try to correct him, but that is the closest he can come to jersey right now.
I think that if Jesus can forgive people of their sins, He won't mind Matthew playing with his "football Jesus" until he can say jersey!
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