Quick Foot and Amazing Feat

Okay, Here's My Deal...
Yesterday, we noticed the cat acting weird. She was staked out by the refridgerator for a while and then she moved to the corner of the cabinets by the fridge. This is after she has been cuaght on the counter for several days trying to bat open the cupoboard doors. So, I looked down and saw her deal.
A mouse!! It ran out from the corner right towards me. I was actually able to put my foot on it and shouted, "A mouse!" My husband shouted, "Where?!" "Under my foot!" and he said, "WHAT?!?!" and came into the kitchen and got it. He didn't want to flush it and he didn't want it in the trash can, so he took it outside and thought he'd fling it into the storm drain on our corner.
He came in laughing and said he couldn't do what he had done again if he tried. He had the dead mouse in a cup and he chucked it but did not see it land. He looked and looked and then looked up and ther was the mouse--caught on a branch in the tree, just dangling there.
The whole deal was weird, but at least we think we know why the cat was on the counters--she probably heard the mouse in there.
Oh that is too cute! I've been reading your blog and it really takes me back to when y oldest kids were little! Ahhhhhh.. the memories. Now they are teenagers and fight ALMOST all the time :) accept when mom is upset with one of them, then they banned together like a mini army protecting its fortress... LOL LOL
Okay. All I can say is gross! ! I cannot believe you stepped on it!! GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss you guys tons...
Well, I had my shoe on!!! I didn't intend to kill it...just "hold" it so B could catch it and take it outside.
Miss you, too.
Updates? It has been over 2 months!
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