Good Sign?

Okay, Here's My Deal...
I was on fire today! I had gone in to do some work in my classroom before officially returning for the new school year next week and had a list of things that I wanted to ask my principal about--a couple of which were tings I was not sure how to broach and did not think I would get. However, there must have been something in the water today or the heat index of over 100 F got to his brain because he agreed with all of my requests and it was actually a nice meeting. I sure hope this is a sign of good things to come this year. Can't believe I am starting my 17th year of teaching middle schoolers in a few days. Man I am feeling old...why, you ask?
- I am now teaching with people who were my students.
- I have taught the child of a former student (yes, she got pg in hs).
- One of my former students is a nurse at my kids' pediatricians.
- There are only two people in my building that have more seniority than me.
- I now have fewer years to retirment than years I have been teaching.
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